Sunday, May 31, 2015

So? Heeeeeeeeyyyyyyy!!! (The commercial life.)

(ENTRY is from 2 years ago)

x on one cheek, x on the other (kisses).
O M G! how's your life? I haven't seen you in a while 
(hugs, smiles and a burst of enthusiasm)

our acting skills are amazing aren't they? - esp when we come to a dance event and "run" into someone that we don't "expect" to see. lol
 "xx, omg! how's your life?"

so what do you do?
We oblige. We fall into the trap! Their smile is SO infectious that it cons you into acting the same way. Esp. when they say:
O M G. I've been SO busy! I haven't been to class in AGES! You know how it is. (the throw of the hand) I've barely been here. 

Then you're like, "wait? syh (shaking your head) Nooooooo I don't know how it is." 
Then you ask yourself - Did I really just act like that?
Just confused. 
15min later!

spotted! you catch the eye of someone across the room . . . their mouth is wide open and there eyes have turned into bug eyes. 
Here they come!!! . . . kisses to everyone as they come in your direction. 

x on one cheek, x on the other (kisses)
O M G! how's your life?

You oblige AGAIN. 

Conversation ends up being longer this time.
You're barely keeping that (fake) smile on your face . . . you know? the one that goes away in the instant they walk away...

Coffee Bean date soon? Hit me up! But NOT this week, I'm swamped. There's Posers, then the Industry Voice Awards, then Carnival - then I'm working with . . . on this project. And I might be going on Tour soon - I haven't talked to my agent yet . . . we'll figure out though. 

Conversation twist:
You look good! x on one cheek. Talk soon!
Wait! Did you even get a word in during that last phrase?

You oblige though: The smile continues in parting. 

Times goes by - you're watching tech rehearsal. Sitting on the stairs, close to the EXIT. And someone comes to plop down right beside you . . . 

x on one cheek, x on the other (kisses)
How have you been?!?!? I haven't seen you in a lonnnnnnnng time! O M G it's SO good to see you! So who's piece are you in? . . . I have to go, but we HAVE to catch up!

To be continued . . .

fake it till you make it! ~ signing off. 


*Inspired when sitting in tech rehearsal with a friend! haha <3 nbsp="">

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